Hell on Fire: Hello Obsidian C. Thank you for accepting the invitation for this interview!!!
Obsidian C: Hello! No, problem. It’s my pleasure and thank you very much for the interest in Keep Of Kalessin!
Hell on Fire: Your welcome! Can you talk a little about how everything began with Keep of Kalessin?
Obsidian C: It all started back in 94/95 when me and Ghash wanted to form a black metal band. However, thoughout the years Keep Of Kalessin has gone through some line-up changes and also pushed the musical boundaries so today we’re more a mix between all the extreme metal genres which forms our unique musical style. Our first two albums was released in 97 and 99 on Avantgarde Music before the band had a couple of years break. After that we recorded an EP with guest musicians Frost (Satyricon) and Attila (Mayhem) before the highly acclaimed album Armada that was the first album with today’s line-up.
Hell on Fire: For you, what are the main differences between the Album Armada and this last one, Kolossus. I ask you this because as you know the album Armada was an immense masterpiece and for me this one is also another huge and powerfull album really well composed, but for you what are the main differences?
Obsidian C: I think the main difference is that Kolossus is even bigger and more non-black metal. It is a bit softer in the edges and has more variation. It’s more extreme when it’s extreme and more soft when it’s soft. I personally like both albums equally. It’s great to hear Kolossus after you’ve heard Armada. It kinda picks up where Armada left off.
Hell on Fire: How has been the reactions so far from the press and listeners about Kolossus? What is your favourite song from this album!!!Obsidian C: I think the album has alot of good songs. My personal favourites are the title track, Ascendant and Against the gods. However, I think the song Escape the Union is one of the hidden pearls on this album. If you give it a few spins it really picks up and has great atmosphere. Actually one of my favourites. The reactions from the press has been really good. Maybe not as good as Armada, but still very, very good. I think Kolossus is abit more difficult to get into and it takes more time. This can be the reason why the press (which only has a few spins on an album before review) have been a little bit cooler about it than Armada.
Hell on Fire: I must congratulate you because you are ultra fast playing guitar, from what age did you begin to play guitar? Did you had any kind of guitar lessons? Do you use to practice a lot?
Obsidian C: I started playing guitar around the age of 9 and I have been learning 4 years of classical guitar and 4 years of electric guitar. However, I never rehearsed my homework and always played my own stuff. I’ve always had trouble concentrating enough on other peoples work to actually learn stuff. I’ve always been focused on playing my own riffs and music. I would say that I don’t practice much, but I play alot. I make alot of music, but never really practice technique.
Hell on Fire: What do you like to do in your free times?Obsidian C: Travel, sleep, play computer games, watch movies and hang out with friends.
Hell on Fire: Going back in time in 2003, you were wired by Satyricon for tours and gigs, can you talk a little bit about that? It was a good experience for you?
Obsidian C: It was a great experience for me, but I always was focused on getting there with my own band. Like I said, playing other peoples music isn’t what drives me.
Hell on Fire: Talking about supports in Norway, what can you say about that, do you think that, there’s enough help in your country for the bands to begin in a band? Are you happy with your current huge label Nuclear Blast?
Obsidian C: We’re quite happy with the setup we have today which is Indie Recordings in Norway and most of Europe and Nuclear Blast in certain parts of Europe and the rest of the world. Norwegian bands can get alot of money from the government, but it’s still a hard economic road to be in a band. It’s not like they pay our salary or anything, but we can get some help to cover costs on a tour.
Hell on Fire: Among so many concerts given by Keep of Kalessin so far, what was for you the best one and why?
Obsidian C: I really don’t know. There are so many. But I guess Inferno 2009 was one of the best. We’re starting to be well known in Norway and we get better spots on festivals than in the rest of the world. Which means better lights, pyrotechnics and sound. This helps to bring the show to a more epic level than if we play 30 minutes at 13:00 o’clock in the morning. One of the best tours was the US tour with Dimmu Borgir and Behemoth, I would say. And I also remember Sofia, Bulgaria as a very good show!Hell on Fire: What is the meaning of the name Keep of Kalessin?
Obsidian C: It is taken from the bookseries about Earthsea. Kalessin is the eldest and most powerful dragon. So it is his Keep, his tower or castle so to speak. The dragon’s lair.
Hell on Fire: What can you say about the other band members, Thebon, Wizziac and Vyl? Do you think they were the perfect pieces to complete such great band as Keep of Kalessin? Do you have any kind of hidden secrets to share with us about anyone of this guys? (laughs)
Obsidian C: I think the line-up right now is the perfect one. So many things just fell into place on Armada and we’ve just started exploring the musical potential of the band. Well, dunno if I so many secrets, but Vyl is a huge Michael Jackson fan and he even knows how to do the moonwalk. Hehe.
Hell on Fire: Vyl do the moonwalk? it will be funny for the readers to know (lol)! KoK will begin touring in June 21 by the name of Summer Madness Tour, you will be sharing the stage with Kataklysm and DeathAngel, are you anxious to begin this tour? What do you think about this 2 bands that you will support?
Obsidian C: Right now, when I’m writing this we’re almost a week into the tour and it’s going great. We started with Hellfest and it was great to see so many people there. We’re doing big festivals every weekend and small club shows in between. It’s great to have the best of both worlds, I think. Club shows are intense and very direct, while the festivals offer a totally different vibe. Kataklysm and Death Angel are two great bands and all the people go very well together. Seems like this will be a very good tour for us.
Hell on Fire: Also not to forget you will be performing for the first time at my country in Portugal June 23, what are your expectations about performing here? I most tell you that Keep of Kalessin have lots but lots of fans here and what does our fans can expect from KoK on stage?
Obsidian C: Well, because of my limited access to the internet on this tour it’s now already passed that show, but I can say that we loved playing Portugal as much the last time we were here! The venue we played was kinda off when it came to sound and lights, but the audience made it a good experience for us. We met alot of fans after the show and we went to a bar called Heaven’s to have drinks with some of our new friends. All in all a very cool evening for us. So thank you Portugal!

Obsidian C: As soon as we’re getting home from this tour we’ll start recording the new album. Most of the songs are finished already, but we need to work on arrangements and vocals. We hope to release the strongest album in Keep Of Kalessin’s history sometime early in 2010. And we wanna say thank you to all the true Keep Of Kalessin fans that’s been with us for so long and also a warm welcome to the new ones!
Hell on Fire: Thank you so much for your given time for this interviews and Hell on Fire wish you all from Keep on Kalessin all the luck and power for this tour and next albums to come, hope to see you in Portugal again!
Obsidian C: Thanks for doing the interview with us and it was great to see you in Portugal! Best, Obsidian C.
By: Nightshade
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Wow i coulnt keep my eyes off that interview.. i loved reading every part of it nightshade.. you are very lucky to have experienced this.. i am sooooooooo jealous ;)
ReplyDeleteyou did that so well
hails my friend.. woo-hooo
i am very proud to call you my friend!~
Thank you very much my friend!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was a pleasure to interview Obsidian C. they are great persons:)
Come whenever you want my friend and soon i will have more interviews published!!!
Stay well!!!