Hell on Fire: Hello Jess and welcome to H.O.F, everything ok with you?
Jess: Hi guys! Yes, I'm fine and very happy to talk with you about Rotten Tribe.
Hell on Fire: So, tell me about Rotten Tribe history since the begining of the band! How everything started and who had the idea of creating Rotten?
Jess: Rotten Tribe was born at the ending of 2006, when Basko and I played in other band. In a few months playing together we got a desire to play more powerful music, that's when we started to looking for more musicians with the same goal as us.
Hell on Fire: What can you say about your debut album with thirteen brutal and powerful tracks intituled “13 Revelations”? Are you happy with the results of this album?
Jess: Yes, we're very happy of it. “13 Revelations” is a self produced album and we did it whithout anybody's help, this experience we made us learning a lot about the musical creation and the hard job of to mix and produce a record, so much time with the computer!
Hell on Fire: Congratulations, your sound is completly different in the way that you guys had sucessfully mixed some kind of futuristic and industrial sounds with metal, we can perfectly hear that for instance in the track “Jesus Pain”! It was this your intention since the begining to have such a diversified and different sound?
Jess: Yes, always we have looked for our sound and we pretend create our own style. With the time the band expects improve the sound and the musical quality. Music it's a very hard drug!
Hell on Fire: In what do you inspire to create the riffs for the band? Are you the composer of the band?Jess: Well, when I create a riff, it can be inspired in most of the bands that I like but sometimes I like mix them with some chords inspired in my knowledge in classical guitar. I think that fussion sounds great and very different, but not all the work is mine. In the band all members bring ideas.
Hell on Fire: What does your lyrics talks about? You are the guitarrist of the band not the vocalist but probably you know the answer of it, if not you can perfectly include Max to answer this question!
Jess: Yes, the lyrics it's Max's homework, let´s him to answer this question.
Max: Most of the lyrics are based on personal experiencies, about life itself, sometimes using metaphoric things mixing diferents themes, sometimes of a direct way. In the song that you talked about, Jesus´ Pain, ok is based in the eternal good/evil thing, using a figure that is really common for all of us, like Jesus or the same devil, it aproches the audience to the song, but you can realize that after thousands of years, the things remains the same with all that shit about wars, innocents dying, etc, nothing has been changed really. “To The East” talks about a couple that are in love, but is the last day of their life, the last day that they will be together, because there´s a nuclear explosion, how this couple will live this day?, how they will react? What are they thinking and feeling? So we want to reflect all this things on the lyrics, but as I said before, using personal experiences. Our single “Let´s Stay” for example, talks about to be strong when shit happends, when these bad things try to contamains you. Indeed we have a lot of things to choose from to write lyrics, you only have to open the door of your house and take a look, you know what i mean. We don´t want to say “hey, things are bad man”, we want to express HOW WE see this things under our own viewpoint
Hell on Fire: Thanx for the great answer Max! Jess, what do you like to do in your free times?
Jess: It sounds very hard but for me the band is my “free times” and I spend all my time in it, if one day we want to be a great band we should work very hard before. Today it's very difficult become a great band and we must use all of our energy to make it real.
Hell on Fire: I really believe that Rotten will become a huge band! Do you remember with which bands you grow up listening to? What are you favourite guitarrist/s of all time?
Jess: I grow up listening the most important bands, Metallica, Megadeth, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana. But there's only one guitarrist that rocks on always, Dimebag Darrell. I'm a great fan of him!
Hell on Fire: Talking a little about your country Spain, what can you say about supports in there? Do you have enough one’s in there for a band to survive?
Jess: This question hurts! Spain is a terrible place for this music, actually there isn't much people for this kind of music, if we want to survive we must go out of spain quickly!
Hell on Fire: Yes i understand that! I saw your tour dates and all of them are inside your country, did you guys had already perform outside Spain? Any invitations for that so far?
Jess: We have not even played outside spain, but now we're working in it with our manager and soon we concrete some dates in USA, Mexico, Argentina and Portugal but we can't say anything for now.
Hell on Fire: Really, those are great news and if you’ll pass in Portugal better yet:) Rotten Tribe! There’s any kind of special meaning for this name or is exactly as you read in the dictionary?
Jess: Yes, exactly as you read in the dictionary. Rotten because Max got this kind of voice and Tribe for the tribal percussion in our songs, very easy!
Hell on Fire: I see that you guys are looking for a label, for you Jess what are the benefits of a band to have a label?
Jess: Have a label it's important for the band because it means that there´s more people working for the band beside us, and it will be possible play in more places, have more material for the people who likes our music and have more promotion, very important!
Hell on Fire: Yes indeed is really important to have one! What can you say about the work so far of a particulary person called El Ninho? I ask you this because until now i only i see that he is really professional in what he is doing and this kind of people that are behind the scene of a band also have to be recognized for christ sake,lol!
Jess: I'm glad to work with him, he has helped us so much with promoting the band, and in the future I want to continue working with him, he really takes care about the band. We're very friends too!
Hell on Fire: Cool! Can you share with us some concert dates and even dates still to come if you already know?
Jess: Of course, now we have two dates in a important festivals in Spain. September 12th we will play on the Metalhell Festival in Barcelona, is a festival with 30 bands playing during a few weekends. And we have... November 7th a really big festival in Granada, where we will be the guests of a really important band!! We are sure that we will have more dates in the nexts months for the second part of our country tour.

Jess: Yes, we're working very hard and now we've got five new songs. The new tracks are like a kick in your ass, really strong and powerful metal songs. In the next dates we will show you, I hope you like them!
Hell on Fire: Jess, what do you wanna say to those that always supported Rotten Tribe since the begining?
Jess: Sincerely, I would like to give them thanks for all the support that it means so much for us. Thanks!
Hell on Fire: Muchas gracias for your time, i wish you all the good luck for the promotion of “13 Revelations” debut album and also to all the concerts to come!
Jess: Muito obrigado man! Always It's a pleasure talk about music.
By: Nightshade
Rotten Tribe Myspace Here
Official Website Here
Booking Mail
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