Nightshade: Hello people and thank you for your time, can you talk a little about the history of Process of Guilt!!!
Process of Guilt: Process of Guilt come out in the end of 2002 with the “'Portraits of Regret”' recording, one debut register that gave motto for the creation of one band, beyond me and Nuno. With the union with Gonçalo and Custódio we enter on studio for the recording process of Demising Grace that only come out in 2005. There were always one effort to keep on the live activity parallel to our creative process that gave us the chance to participate in some events in the begining of our existence as a band that even today leave us good memories like the participation in Doomination of Europe in 2003 together with Morgion and Mourning Beloveth.
In 2006 we release our debut cd “Renounce” through the recent created Portuguese independent Major Label Industries. After this moment we begin the process of spreading live this register that among others events gave us the chance of sharing the stage with names Katatonia, The Ocean, Swallow The Sun or Rotten Sound. Actually we initiate the composing process with the view for a new register on studio to release in 2009.
Nightshade: Those are really good news, we stay anxious and waiting for this new work! Can you tell us who compose the songs along with riffs, lyrics, etc...
Process of Guilt: The process of composing varied a little in the history of the band, normally all the music it’s developed by one idea or one moment that emerge while we rehearse. There is however themes that also emerged from one riff or one individual draft that after is displayed to the rest of the band, being that the lyric component it’s developed mainly by me. In a general way the rehearsal represents the moment of ideas conciliation and concepts do develop by the new themes, representing the space were several dynamics are conjured by the creative process
Nightshade: Relative to influencies can you tell us some names?
Process of Guilt: The influencies are a lot and the pass of time development as well. If in the beginning we develop our bases upon one sonority that normally is associated to one spectrum of bands sctricty connected in a chain of doom /death like Mindrot, Morgion, Shape of Despair or even Katatonia, actually we finish by staying with more attention to other sonority’s that even if they don’t enter on the base of our language they stay a part of a proportional felling by the same one, giving us motivation for a search of other dynamics that run from the usual spectrum doom/death metal, like Neurosis, Dirge, Overmars, Jesu or even The Angelic Process. Of course that this could be one endless list that always end of being one base that also and more we assume like our own and the one we incorporate other layers of influences and dynamics that we search especially because they are ours and they represent one individual musical expression..Nightshade: Your songs beside of having one powerful sound can create one atmosphere around melancholy and down-tempo that fix perfectly with more violent riffs, this was always your objectives or simply you guys feel what you are playing and you let the imagination to flow?
Process of Guilt: Yes indeed our objective is the creation of moments that reflect that atmospheric approach in our music, in fact this is the sonority that we appreciate. More and more we chose to develop one approach that simplify the themes structure at the same time the natural development of one certain dynamic around one rhythm or one riff that represent our best expression for this effect. We pretend above all to create involving music were we can explore one certain melody in more than one slope, specifically at rhythm level and the contrast of this one’s with the more melancholic component of our sonority.
Nightshade: What are the contents of your lyrics?
Process of Guilt: The contents of our lyrics are specially about two components, the first one is connected with the aspects of our life’s and fellings, there’s one afford for the choose of more dark and cold emotions, so in one second level of approach the content as one specific match in music, specifically to the level of words search and sounds that fix perfectly in a certain melody or rhythm.
Process of Guilt: First of all the principle change it ends by being the 3 years of breaking between the recording of this regist, space that were naturally one process of evolution of everything that surrounds Process of Guilt, the concept as a band passing by our technic capacity as musicians or even the evolution while humans that search one good expression. This process originate one refined of our sonority in rhythm terms, melody’s and the lyric content that end’s by reflecting the differencies that exist between the phase corresponding to “Demising Grace” and the season that “Renounce” was registed.
Nightshade: Concerning to supports did you have anyone? What were or what are the main difficulties that you feel in Portugal?
Process of Guilt: Besides of supports from the publisher we had also the support of the town council of Èvora so the big difficulty that we had concerning to “Renounce” was majority logistic once that that studio is far way from Èvora and due the fact that we don’t live all in the same town it was necessary one planning for we to come true the afford of the recording. In a general way after one year of “Renounce” release we can mention that the main difficulties situate always in the financial sphere, specially at the concerts level and the minimal conditions for this one’s can work in the best way, whoever i thing that in the last times the situation is much better , specially at concerts level and minimal conditions to go on in the best way as possible, fact obviously connected with a large amount of initiatives that exists everywhere by several promoters of shows in different parts of the country.

Process of Guilt: In a general way the balance it’s positive that we make in colaboration with Thomas Eberger, due that we wished one certain kind of sonority in the end of “Renounce” that we thought being obtained through this cooperation. The contact with Cutting Room Studios was affected in a simple way through one contact vie email and since then we fixed some details. About publishers, there was effectivtly some contacts by some international publishers but for some reason or from our timing or from the publisher timing as well this never was revealed apelatives than the relation that we have Major Label Industries.
Nightshade: How was the process on studio with "Demising Grace" and "Renounce"?
Process of Guilt: They were different processes even if they take action in the same place the 5ª dimensão studios, the season was radical different. Demising Grace show our first experience of recording as a band what give us one process more spontaneous and maybe more naïve of us concerning to the studio approach. The process of “Renounce” recording as already give us one more structured part being developed one previous planning that gave us the chance of having more time to explore some ideias on studio as a complement to one previous base and a more developed one. It represented also one process that we’ve been more dedicated as a band with the caption procedure in several layers of recording, there was one bigger attention on the details and to the general concept in terms of sonority that we wanted to explore.
Nightshade: Do you guys feel one good feedback by the crowd? There was any special concert for you?
Process of Guilt: Indeed the feedback that we had after the “Renounce” release was more than we expected once than, in the press level and the crowd level we obtained really positive reactions. About our live presentations, the feedback was even bigger than the register on studio, there were some concerts that will stay in our minds by the way like we saw the crowd. Maybe because this were more recent, I can mention the concert that we gave in March in Panoias with Officium Triste and in April Lótus Bar.
Nightshade: About concerts, dates, festivals, etc...can you tell us some dates? if so when and where?
Process of Guilt: At the moment we are preparing our entry on studio for the process recording of our new work, and by that there will be some time without playing live because at the moment we only stay concerned with the creative component of Process of Guilt with a view of one long duration in production.
Nightshade: I would like to thank you all for your time in name of Hell on Fire, i hope you continue with the excelent sound and we expect to hear soon from you with a new album and concerts!!!
Process of Guilt: To finish i want to say that soon will be released one new register of Process of Guilt in vinyl 10” version sharing it with the English project Caïna, that will have one theme of each band. The theme shared by us it’s one version of one band already splited “This Empty Flow” it as by title (But I Am) Still. Thank you for the opportunity you gave us to divulge ourselves!
By: Nightshade
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