Hell on Fire: Hello Steve and Gus welcome to H.O.F, everything ok with you 2?
Steve: Thanks for the welcome, Hell on Fire. Things are moving along consistently for us and we are almost finished the album. Neither of us have died so everything is ok as of now.
Gus: Greetings Nightshade, always a pleasure to chat with someone as passionate about dark music as we are. We just scored some Behemoth tickets for a summer festival so as far as I'm concerned everything is going perfectly.
Hell on Fire: Good that everything is well and neither of you as died:) Can you talk a little about how everything begin with Unravelling?
Steve: We were two isolated musicians looking for something powerful to do. Gus was working on the music nonstop after moving to Canada from Barbados and taking extensive production courses. I was working on a few bands but looking for something new that I could dedicate myself to. He contacted me and asked if I’d like to try vocals/lyrics for his music. We built the relationship and the catalogue from there. Now the project has an identity and a force behind it.
Gus: After moving to Canada from Barbados I was becoming very frustrated looking for like-minded musicians. Everyone was always either too unreliable or they moved frequently. So I started educating myself on musicians that did everything by themselves. People that played the instruments, composed the songs, recorded and mixed the music and generally crafted out their personal little slice of reality without any distractions. Artists like NIN, Filter, Mirrorthrone, The Red King, Sopor Aeternus, Peter Bjargo and more recently Black Sun Aeon have served to inspire and show me that if you are dedicated enough you can make anything happen. The one thing that I never wanted to do was sing - because my singing voice sounds a bit like an ogre fucking a banshee - so of course I always knew that I would require a worthy collaborator. A partner in crime if you will - that is where Steve magically materialized into being and offered his assistance which I gladly accepted.
Hell on Fire: I must congratulate you because your sound is different in lots of aspects, in each song you guys seems to include always new sounds to give a different perspective to the tracks, is this one of your main goals? In what do you inspire to compose the songs?Steve: Hell yes. We’re both into a lot of different music, and although we’re fans of some great bands who have a signature or similar sound between their tracks and albums, if we do an album, we want the best of all worlds. Think about it. You have an album to eternalize your music and message, and you get this opportunity maybe every few years. You’re lying to the world if you don’t cover all the bases and make it a full scale expression.
Songs like “Fire Breather” and “In The Safe House” express very different things but I think the lyrics and music of each track will go together seamlessly. It’s all part of the same whole. I suppose it’s the same with all of us. Sometimes you want to create and sometimes you want to destroy. Shake the hand or tear the heart out and eat it. All moods and inclinations are respected and covered for the sake of the art.
Gus: You have asked a great question my friend - I think versatility is a great strength in these dark, modern times where there are so many people trying to be professional musicians. I believe it is the ones that are unique and multi-talented that will rise to the top and be noticed. Look at Mikael Akerfeldt from Opeth his vocal style and music are so diverse that you can't help but appreciate it. People these days are so fixated on their new cell phones and wearing what Paris Hilton wears that it seems that the world has forgotten about the occult. We need people to appreciate the darker things in life and I will do my little part in elevating the mystique and mythology of ancient lore as much as I can.
Hell on Fire: Steve i think only you can answer this one even if Unravelling are only you 2 but you are the vocalist so, in what does your lyrics talks about?
Steve: My lyrics, I would say, deal with my perception of reality, myself, and the world around me. Most of them have double or triple meanings, so when people take them at face value I
usually just agree with them. Many of the lyrics on this album are psychological, just a decision I made not to hold back while embracing this project. Themes include the political sphere (including a hats off to Hunter S Thompson in “Where Will It End?”), anarchy, personal power, philosophy, resiliance, destruction, and victory. Much of this album is about reclaiming oneself and fighting for an authentic existence. Digging oneself above ground after being underground for a long time. Like Arjuna going into battle, we all strive to be fearless and unquestioning of ourselves. I hope that people find something in the lyrics to push them forward in some way.
Hell on Fire: Grabbing this same subject that Unravelling are only you 2 once again i must congratulate because only with 2 members the work become harder! Can you guys talk a little about this like if it was a personal choice of yours or you had already more members in the band in the past?Steve: We don’t trust many people with this! This is sacred to us and no one has the right to fuck with it. Once Gus and I built a trust we became close friends, and it was natural since he had done the music previously, to wait until album completion for any other developments. We trust each other that our parts will be strong, and if there’s something we don’t like we’re at a level where we can talk about it. This makes for a stronger album. Of course, we took on Casey Lewis (of rock band The Evidence) as a studio drummer for this album in order to make 13 Arcane Hymns that much stronger, and we are now rebuilding the songs around the drums.
Gus: Creating this album has been a very long, arduous task. I have been in bands before but my gut always told me that I would not make it successfully until I created a body of work that I was absolutely fucking proud of.
This time around as I near completion of my contribution to this project I can't help but feel this is what my life has been leading up to. Creating dark art almost like a manic ancient priest conjuring up dark forgotten spells from the abyss. But spells of fraternity for like minded individuals to seek solace in and revel in their appreciation of heavier music.haha
Hell on Fire: That’s really good to have friendships like this and to make good music as you 2 make without no one else to ruin everything! When you play live how do you solve this? You hire other members to perform on stage with you 2 or you usually don’t perform live?
Steve: We will hire members to play live with us once the album is complete, which will be soon. You will see us play live before you see the Horsemen in the sky, I can guarantee this to all you revelation buffs out there.Gus: As far as things have been going we will definitely perform live, at first with hired guns but hopefully we will form friendships and inspire worthy collaborators to step forward and join The Unravelling. I find it more rewarding to create music with the help of a live drummer so for sure that would be an ideal scenario. Unfortunately my last drummer went to China to study ancient herbal techniques and martial arts. See what I mean about the traveling off and fucking the band!!!!
Hell on Fire: Yes i see if they run to china it’s really the best choice to keep only the 2 of you in the band, lol! Do you have any upcoming release for 2009 that you want to share with us?
Steve: Why yes. “13 Arcane Hymns”. That’s what we’ve been slaving away for. That’s what our lives have led us towards. The responses to the demo tracks alone have been ridiculous – in a good way. We’re coming in the back door, folks and we’re excited as to what the response will be. Keep checking www.theunravellingmusic.com for updates. You can sign up as a member there and get music for free.
Hell on Fire: What is the meaning of the name Unravelling?
Steve: The Unravelling has double and triple meanings, which I like. One is, to me at least, a great reveal. Having mysteries and fears opened up to you in a process of overcoming, moving forward. Another meaning is the unravelling of an individual, whether by nervous breakdown or by simply letting go of ALL their layers, revealing the good, the bad and the ugly. To come undone, as they say. This, I have embraced lyrically and vocally.
Another meaning is to disengage or to seperate the threads of – I like this meaning as well. There is a line on the album that says “Freedom is unplugging yourself from the wall...Cathcing a glimpse for yourself. Venturing out.”
Gus: I like the obscurity of the name. It can mean different things depending on the listener. Plus I have always been inspired to peer into unknown realms via hallucinogenic means so this really felt like a natural name for me.
Hell on Fire: Which are your favourite bands of all time?
Steve: Almost too many to mention but I’ll say a few that have moved me in intense ways. Some of them have made me want to force my awareness to merge into the universe and some of them have made me want to burn cities down: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Tool, Dead can Dance, Public Enemy, Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, Faith no More, Tom Waits, The Doors, Refused, Rage Against the Machine, Sepultura...I should stop now. I could list many.
Gus: Nirvana inspired me to pick up the guitar so that should be mentioned but I quickly moved on from there. Then it was Tool for many years, I found their themes so intriguing and their style so articulate and intelligent. Opeth is also great. But hands fucking down the best live experience I have ever witnessed was Behemoth. I'm usually very reserved, trying to observe live performances, check out the equipment, instruments, microphone choices and placements - engineer stuff like that. But I remember hearing Behemoth and reverting back to a primal being who did not feel alive unless they were thrashing about wildly in the moshpit. I felt like a pirate at their show and it was awesome!
Hell on Fire: Really good bands you mention here my friends! With which bands did you grow up listening 2?
Steve: When I was growing up I listened to Michael Jackson. This is from age 4 onwards. Then in my early teens I got into Guns n’ Roses, Public Enemy, Cypress Hill and others. From there I got heavily into Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Jane’s Addiction, and other bands of that ilk.
Gus: 90s grunge such as Nirvana, Pearl, Soundgarden, Offspring, Green Day then heavier stuff like metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Machine Head, Filter, then alot of European metal like Opeth, Hypocrisy, Behemoth, Moonspell, the list is neverending. But some of the artists that really frequent my I-pod are Dead Can Dance, Arcana, Nox Arcana and My Dying Bride. I'm in a very melancholic/doom oriented musical phase at the moment.
Hell on Fire: Really different influences you have that’s really good and that flows in a good way to your songs, tell me Steve and Gus, what do you like to do in your free times?
Steve: I practise wing chun kung fu and am quite serious about that. It’s a very rewarding and enjoyable part of my life. I like to record as much as possible, whether it’s going on an album or not. Catharsis and creation is good. I’m also a movie buff – particularly the excellent little film known as ‘Taxi Driver’ which I have watched many times. ‘The Dark Knight’ as well...I’m a bit of a Batman fan I must admit. Other than this, travelling, reading, trying to keep it together, long walks at the beach, playing with puppies and other such things.
Gus:I have taken up Muay Thai as a form of physical improvement so that keeps me busy. And recently most of my free time has been occupied with recording and finalizing our album. But I still make time for video games. Team Fortress 2 on Xbox360 is probably the most fun, addicting game I have ever played.

Hell on Fire: Kung Fu and Muay Thai, damn, better to keep way from you 2, lol! How as been the reactions of the press and listeners so far?
Steve: Fucking unbelievable. I am very, very excited at the reaction thus far and can’t wait to unleash this thing.
Gus:Pretty cool man, we get to talk to crazy motherfuckers such as yourself. It's so nice to meet people who understand what dark music is about and that we respect for their efforts and creativity and support. Cheers!
Hell on Fire: Talking a little about your land Canada, what can you say about the metal scene in there, does a band in there have good supports? Do you have good bands in there? If so feel free to mention some!
Steve: The Canadian metal scene is growing – there are a lot of great bands. Cryptopsy, Strapping Young Lad, Divinity, Fuck the Facts, Neuraxis, Into Eternity, Kataklysm, Voivod, Ion Dissonance, The End, Breach of Trust, Cursed – all Canadian and all very talented. As far as support, I hope it improves. A lot of the media here are less eager to cover metal bands than say, indie pop, which is extremely popular. But of course, many horrific things are extremely popular so there’s no need to feel bad. Just fight it.
Gus: I saw on your website that you had a write up on the Agonist so you’re definitely in the loop as to the good shit thats coming out of canada. Those guys are extremely talented at what they do. Other bands worthy of mention don't come to mind immediately. Maybe Kataklysm but I lost interest in that for a while. Anything Devin Townsend does is usually very heavy and manic he's an insane genius. I would really like to see more fraternity among up and coming bands here in canada. It seems as though alot of egos and snobbery are how it works but hopefully things improve. Why can't more people be as cool as Dimebag man?? (R.I.P.) Drink some drinks, have a good time and make some excellent music. Thats how it should be!

Steve: It’s all TBA, man. Just stay tuned at our site, HYPERLINK www.theunravellingmusic.com - www.theunravellingmusic.com, for details
Hell on Fire: For the last question, what do you wanna say for those that always supported Unravelling since the begining?
Steve: We won’t forget it and you’ll get the return times 7.
Gus: All of our brothers who supported us will drink with us and and be as merry as brigands as we conquer. Trust me.
Hell on Fire: My friends thank you so much for your givin time, i wish you 2 all the good luck with Unravelling and concerts and future works to come and hope one day to see you guys in Portugal!
Steve: Thanks to Nightshade and Hell on Fire for sticking their neck out and supporting The Unravelling. Much respect.
Gus: Much respect Nightshade, awesome support and great art on the website. Keep the black flame burning.
By: Nightshade
Unravelling Myspace Here
Unravelling Official Website Here
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