Hell on Fire: Hello Carlos and welcome to H.O.F, everything ok with you?
Carlos: Greetings! Everything is fine thanks, and with you?
Hell on Fire: Everything great, thanx friend! Can you talk a little about Daemogorgon history since the begining and also what do you do in the band?
Carlos: Actually I have functions of guitar player and composer, I do some lyric work too, but I started as a bass player! From the begining... Daemogorgon raised in the early 2005 from the will of Duarte, former past member and guitar player. He invited Barroso, our actual drummer, and together they composed the firsts lines of what would became our first demo “Mortiis Trivmphvs”, recorded by the first line up of Daemogorgon with me as a bass player and Francisco in the vocals, we have joined the band in that year too. Still in 2005 and after our first gig, Duarte has to move on with his life in a way that could not include Daemogorgon, so he left the band in a early stage and we had some linu up changes, I moved from the bass to the guitar and Baal enter the band to assume the bass player position. We had a couple of gigs in that year, and since 2006 to 2008 we have played a lot and gained some good live experience grewing as a live metal band, we played in some great national festivals too as Loud Metal Battle, Extreme Devotion Fest, SWR, Caos Emergente, Liperske, Vimaranes Metallvm, etc. The sound of Daemogorgon has evoluted and since 2006 we have been composing a couple of new tracks and decided that was time to record in a pro studio, so in 2008 we enter Grave Studios (Epping Forest, Decrepidemic, Holocausto Canibal, Goldenpyre, Hacksaw, etc) to record our new Ep, that is ready now!Hell on Fire: You have a new Ep to be released intituled “Chaos Through Phobia” with 6 new songs, among this one’s you have available at myspace to listen the songs “Haíresis” and “Temple Dementia”, really brutal and well composed! What can you say about this Ep? Are you happy with the final results of it?
Carlos: Thank you for your appreciation! Yes, in a general way we are very satisfied with the final result of Chaos.Through.Phobia! I think that represents well the new Daemogorgon face, a “chaosthroughphobic“ feeling and a lot a brutality to consumes us all! Those new songs results very well on live performance too and that is an important factor for us! Of course, there are always some aspects that if we could do it again now, probably we would change, that is the principle of evolution, the constant ansiety for perfection!
Hell on Fire: This Ep was recorded at Grave Studios! How was to work with such huge professional as Pedro Grave in the recording process? Do you recommend more bands to go there to record?
Carlos: It was a really rich experience for us to work at Grave Studios with our friend Pedro, we learned a lot of things and the band gained another essential perspective of working in a band with the studio work, I think we had mature ourselves as a band in the long time we spent in studio! Yes, we recommend more bands to go there, Grave studios is not a typical studio, there is no time limits in there, is a studio based on friendship instead comercial compromises! We have meet a lot of good people in there and gained some good influences! If is that what you are looking for, go for it!
Hell on Fire: Indeed i also reccomend Grave Studios! For you Carlos, what are the main differences between “Chaos Through Phobia” and your first work “Mortiis Trivmphvs”?
Carlos: The firts main huge difference it's the record quality, we worked in a pro studio this time, so it's a more serious work instead of a home made demo. Daemogorgon has evoluted too and we have a mature new sound, and that is the other big difference between our two works. Mortiis Thrivmphs is typical Raw Black Metal with all the good and the bad of one first record of a band with a lack of experience. Chaos.Through.Phobia I don't know what is for sure, you'll to find out for yourself, probably Death Metal with some Black influences in the ambience or lyrics themes, but surely it is Daemogorgon and what we represent now!
Hell on Fire: What does your lyrics talks about? If you prefer you are welcome to include Francisco to answer this question!Carlos: I can answer that, the lyric work of daemogorgon is not made by just one person, its made by me or by Baal or Francisco or all together, It was the more productive way we find out to work, everytime we are inspired we can write down and we can use later! Our lyrics crushes religions, policys, actual mankind and all that stuff that limits us and suffocates ourselves as humans and intelligent(?) beings. They descrive chaotic evolutions of mankind and of our world, talks about despair, pain, chaos, hate, claustrophobia in a really metaphoric way...
Hell on Fire: You guys come from a beautiful town called Guimarães that contains lots and lots of history, do you think that somehow your town give you guys the inspiration to compose your songs?
Carlos: Well, that is a comun error about us! Only one member of daemogorgon cames from Guimarães, the other 3 member, me included, come from Fafe that is a near town. But yeah, we really feel like a band from Guimarães as a result of all the friendship we have with that comunity and we really indentificate ourselves with them! About the beautifull town with all the history, I don't think it inspire us but the strenght and union of the vimaranes community inspires and is a pride for us!
Hell on Fire: My mistake 2 and my congratulations to the other members of the band and greetings to the great city of Fafe! Did you ever had guitar lessons or you learned by yourself?
Carlos: I started as a bass player as I said, I had a couple of lessons with my friend Lx in the early stage, then it was a matter of time and practice by myself! Some times later I find my way on the guitar and I feel that is my place and what I like to do for now.
Hell on Fire: Which are your favourite bands and your favourite guitarrist/s as well?
Carlos: I always find some difficult to answer this kind of question without mention a huge list of bands and influences... but: Immortal, Enthroned, Satyricon, Marduk, Dark Funeral and some few more as a black metal foundation. Then I really like the mixing of Black and all the feeling with Death Metal, bands like Belphegor, Behemoth, Hate, Zyklon, Crionics, etc. And the typical Death Metal bands (brutal or tec) like Decapitated, Bloodbath, Hate Eternal, Vader, Nile, Death, as some prog metal/rock as well, Katatonia, Opeth...
Hell on Fire: What do you think about the metal scene in Portugal? Do you think we have enough bands to go outside the country?
Carlos: Yeah! There is no doubt of that, there is many portuguese bands with international quality for sure, now more then ever. But I think that nowadays, having that quality is not enough for a band to get known and successed outside our national underground!
Hell on Fire: Also about Portugal, what is your opinion about supports in here, do you think we have enough one’s for a band to survive?
Carlos: The supports are not bad, if we are talking of surviving in here, without the big step of getting a good international record deal or to go in a professional way in the Metal scene. We have some good spots and good festivals too, some good promotion for national bands. But if we compare our reality with north countrys, our supports are nothing and our Dream of playing Metal for life is more and more distant that in that countrys! In other perspective, I can't imagine how is to having a band for years in places like Egypt or India.
Hell on Fire: From all the concerts you gave so far, which was the best one and why?
Carlos: I have to refer SWR in here, for all the importance and impact that SWR have in our metal scene, it was an honor for us to play in there with some great people and bands. For the same reasons I have to refer Caos Emergente! Playing alongside with Nile in the same fest it was fucking great! I wish we could play in that festivals once again in the future!

Carlos: I grew up listening to bands like Pink Floyd, Cranberries, Aerosmith, Radiohead, Brian Adams... In a “pre Metal” stage, I used to ear Marilyn Manson (I still like it some times!), Offspring, Deftones, Limp Bizkit...
Hell on Fire: Some good bands in there even for the present days! If you had to choose one band to share the stage with, which will be?
Carlos: Just one? I don't really know... Sharing the stage with Immortal would be unique!
Hell on Fire: What do you like to do in your free times?
Carlos: Hang out with friends or girlfriend, go to some concerts or festivals, playing guitar, surf on the net, cinema, photography...
Hell on Fire: Every time i know that Daemogorgon will perfom, i see that you guys really have a legion of fans out there and that’s really great! What can you say about that? They really follow you guys everywhere!
Carlos: Yeah and it is fucking great! We have a honor and luck to have a couple of friends or fans that really supports us and that we see in our concerts agains and again! For example, our friend Dalila (Hades) went to all Daemogorgon gigs! We are really thankfull to all of them for all the support!!
Hell on Fire: Yes Hades is everywhere, always supporting the bands! In general, how do you descrive Daemogorgon sound?
Carlos: A death metal sound with a Black metal vein and aura!! Chaos and feeling, the beauty and beast!
Hell on Fire: Can you advance some concert dates for the readers to know?
Carlos: For now we are trying to get our work out, we are looking for the ideal label to help us with the edition of Chaos.Through.Phobia! Once we have our EP out we will be back to stages!

Carlos: To those who ever supported Daemogorgon and for our friends who lives metal as we do, thank you for the support and friendship, we all are Daemogorgon!!!
Hell on Fire: Carlos, thank you very much for your time for this interview, i wish you and the rest of the members all the good luck for next concerts to come and for the release of Chaos Through Phobia!
Carlos: Thank you Nightshade for the interview and support, and keep up spreading metal!!
By: Nightshade
Daemogorgon Myspace
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