Hell on Fire: Hello Ruby and welcome to H.O.F, how are you, everything ok!
Ruby: Hey there! Thank you! I’m fine and yes everything’s ok, the album soon will be out , we are getting a great feedback from the reviewers so I cannot complain!
Hell on Fire: Can you talk a little bit about how everything started with WitchBreed?
Ruby: Well Witchbreed was born after we (ARES, DIKK and Me) recorded the E.P descending fires, we didn’t have a name so one day Ares was just reading a book from Marvel and there was this kind of angel in chains and it was a Witchbreed. And we liked the name and the meaning behind it. About the band, Ares and Dikk known each other for a long time they did other projects together and they were looking for a singer male /female, they tried out a few , and then Ares found me on the internet on my old band’s site and he contacted me, I was a bit shy at the beginning , I HATE AUDITIONS , hehe, but my friend Vanessa said that I should give it a try, so I did go and recorded the chorus of a song from the E.P. , Descending Fires called « Sleeping Gods», a few days later I was in the band, then came Filipe and last but not least Tiago! We were ready to rock n’ roll!!
Hell on Fire: Recently and more specifically in 29th June it will be the release date of WitchBreed album entitled "Heretic Rapture", what can you say about this album, it was a difficult one to be achieved? Are you happy with it?
Ruby: This Album is a blend of exquisite emotions and challenges that we went through until now. It was very hard for this album to be done, we had technical problems, personal problems and there were times that I really thought «how the hell are we going to get this done? » But we did it, Our Label helped us allot, and that’s very important now a days, we had the precious help of Waldemar Sorychta , and of course we as a band stayed together , and that’s the main point! I’m very Happy with the album.. Its my baby girl or boy! :P «Heretic Rapture» is a unique journey to our imaginary worlds … come and join us!
Hell on Fire: How was the feeling to be working with Waldemar Sorychta (Lacuna Coil, The Gathering, Samael, Tiamat, Moonspell) since it was him that mastered this album?Ruby: Well he also pre-produced and mixed the album! :) Waldemar is a very humble person, very funny, and very professional, I felt very at ease working with him. I hope that Witchbreed will work with him again! Let’s just say that he polished our songs, we all felt kind of relieved, because we had a very experienced producer listening to our songs and exchanging ideas, the result is here for everyone to listen!
Hell on Fire: How do you descrive WitchBreed sound? Any influences that you can remember or simply the sound appear from the soul of each member of the band when you are composing?
Ruby: Well, in a recent review that we got, this guy couldn’t describe our sound he said it was a kind a crossbreed mutant… actually that’s what a Witchbreed is! Hehe!We try to do what we like to play. We have influences of course, but we don’t copy/paste them..what’s the fun of that?! We like Iron maiden, celtic frost, Bathory, old thrash , Candlemass… etc..
Hell on Fire: Which are you favourite band/s and vocalist/s of all time?
Ruby: My favorite singer is a woman called Anouk, since I was like 15! I like jorn lande as well! Band’s .. Bathory , Dream theater, pantera,Ark and I do like the last album of septic flesh!
Hell on Fire: Do you remember with each bands you grow up listening to?
Ruby: Yes, Mister big,whitesnake, I guess all the big hair hard rock bands at the time hehe , and dream theater in 1992 that’s when my metal thing started!
Hell on Fire: I must say that you have a beautifull, melodic and powerfull voice, did you or do you have any singing classes? Do you have any kind of special care with your voice?
Ruby: Thank you so much! Yes I had singing lessons from 14 till 21 I guess, I was in a classical choir ( curious han?! ) hehe , well I learn all the techniques but that’s all.. I do not appreciate sopranos in metal , but that’s another matter!! Hehe! Well I don’t smoke or drink, I try to avoid cold drinks or too hot as well. And a week before I perform I suck allot of sweets for my vocal chords and drink tones of water! Basically that’s it.

Hell on Fire: You come from a beautiful Portuguese island called Madeira, what can you say about the musical panorama in there is to different from instance from Lisbon? Do you wanna say anything to the people from Madeira?
Ruby: Madeira Island is very beautiful but it’s not made for Metal, when I was living there, the guys & girls who liked metal would swap from bar to bar because those bars would close because of the noise and the city hall would shut it down, I still miss one called « Reduto», I lived great moments there… the owner fought as hard as he could to keep the bar… Now is a lame tea house… Well I would like to say to all the metal fans to hang on there!!!
Hell on Fire: What do you like to do in your free times?
Ruby: Well I like to be with my Family, I miss my parents allot, they live in the island far away from Lisbon, so I visit my sister that lives here in Lisbon and I see my niece . Pretty simple life.
Hell on Fire: What can you say about the supports in Portugal? Do you think that we have enough ones for a band to live only with music?
Ruby: That’s an easy to answer, if you play « pimba» sure you can, you earn loads of money singing « touch my bilibiblbiblbi» hehehe , you know what I mean hehe, in Metal? No way… With the crisis we are living just makes things worse… right now it’s not possible.
Hell on Fire: Yes i totally agree with you! What is the meaning of the name WitchBreed?
Ruby: Well Witchbreed are mutants and are believed to be the offspring of witches and the Devil.
Hell on Fire: I’ve been following you guys since the beginning and i must say that the band grow a lot and now with this album you are more mature and more professional than ever, along this year’s did you notest a big jump in WitchBreed career? Do you agree with me when i say that you guys are more mature and professional? Do you feel that?
Ruby: I don’t agree with that!! Ares and Dikk are very professional, Ares as you know was a founder of Moonspell and did world tours , Dikk is a professional musician , so They did knew what they were doing, the newbie’s were me Tiago and Filipe hehe We grew yes but we were always under Ares and Dikk’s wings!
Hell on Fire: Yes i know Ares was a founder of Moonspell Ruby, my question was meanted only to WitchBreed progression! How as been the crowd reactions so far in your concerts? Which was the best concert/s you give so far and why?
Ruby: Well I can say from my heart that every concert we meet new fans and its such a joy for us to share our music with them , for me is to see them singing the lyrics helps me if I forgot some of them hehehe :P Well for me I must say «ovibeja» in 2007 great stage it was a great show and samael also in 2007!
Hell on Fire: What can you say to a band that is now in the beginning? Which is the best advice you can give for a new vocalist?
Ruby: To a new band all I can say is try to innovate, make YOUR own music. To a new singer, is that if you have talent, if you know that you can sing, then go ahead.. Knock them dead!

Ruby: Sure here’s the dates so far :
Jul 4 2009 8:00P
Cello’s Rock Na Barragem Barcelos, Braga
Jul 18 2009 8:00P
Side B Benavente, Santarém
Aug 28 2009 8:00P
Festival Ilha do Ermal Vieira do Minho, Braga
Hell on Fire: What do you wanna say for those that always support WitchBreed since the begining!!!
Ruby: From all the guys in Witchbreed we bow to you , our faithful fans. HAIL THE WITCHBREED!!!
Hell on Fire: Thank you so much Ruby for your time for this interview, i wish you and the rest of the guys all the good luck for the release of this album and future concerts to come!!!
Ruby: Thank you and I hope you guys like the album and see you guys on the road!!! Keep it wicked!!
By: Nightshade
WitchBreed Myspace Here
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