Hell on Fire: Hello Dan and welcome to Hell on Fire, how are you!
Dan: Eyyy, thanks a lot Nightshade!! Well, everything is just great with me and the rest of the guys. Its raining like hell here right now so it is just perfect for the songwriting process, haha!!!
Hell on Fire: Indeed it's a cool weather for songwriting,haha! Can you talk a little about how everything started with Inmoria since the begining?
Dan: In April of 2008 I moved back to Sweden after living in Oslo (Norway) for some years. I was fed up with my job and in my head I started to “hear” music again after about a ten year abscent from the musicscene after I left Tad Morose. I bought a house in my hometown and build my self a studio so I could get the music out of my head. After I had recorded about six tracks I called up my longtime friend Christer Andersson from Tad Morose and asked him to come over and listen to some tracks. He loved the songs and we started to talk about putting a band together. We asked Peter Morén (drums) and Tommi Karppanen (bass) both from Tad Morose to join the project and they did. Then we started to talk about singers and the first name that popped up was Morgana Lefay vocalist Charles Rytkönen. He entered the studio and blow the walls down...haha!! His specialsound together with the musicconcept was amazing and then Inmoria was born. It is so nice that here in Bollnas there is so many good muscicians and basicly everybody knows everybody.
Hell on Fire: As far as i know Inmoria is a recent band with the debut album “Invisible Wounds” to be released right now at June 26, i’ve heard some of the songs already and i must congratulate you guys for this really great sound and well composed! It was difficult to make this album come true? How long did you take to proceed with everything since the songs composing to the studio recording?
Dan: Thank you so much, we are glad you like it. No it was not so hard acctually to make the album. I had every track allready recorded in my own studio and all I had to do was to let the rest of the guys to come and put their personal touch to it.
When I write a song I end up in some weird state of mind so I basicly dont leave the computer until the track is finnished. Then I just go back and change some small parts if I have to. So it is basicly a very fast process when I write someting. We got our recorddeal in december -08, and we entered Studio Soundcreation here in Bollnas in april -09 for the final mixing and mastering. So between december and april we just sat infront of the computer and “bounced” each track to audio so we could bring it to the other studio, and then we just chilled and waited. Offcourse we had some techincal problems as always, but with the help from “Mr Magic” Per Ryberg at Studio Soundcreation it all worked out very nice.Hell on Fire: How do you descrive Inmoria sound?
Dan: Hmmmm, I personal think that it is very hard to describe our music but a friend from the states described our music like this:
”An incredible mix of dark and brooding music with haunting melodies which take you on an emotionally charged journey that will wrap its spindly fingers around your mind, subconsciously pulling you in a direction you may not want to go in, yet you cannot turn away from”. And that is such a good description that we use it every time that we receive that question. But if I personally have to describe our music I have to say that I think it is pure depression but with melodic choruses and brutally repeating guitar riffs.
Hell on Fire: From which age did you begin to play keyboards? Do you play other instruments as well?
Dan: I remember when I was about six years old and my grandmother started to give me piano notes and draged me to her piano. I tried realy hard to study those little black dots but I never learned them. I noticed that it was easier for me to just improvise and play, play and play instead of studying notes. I hated the black dots and I still hate them...haha!! But it was about then I started playing music and most of all playing the piano. Since our recording process is the way it is, meaning that I record everything at first by myself I have to play several instruments. I play drums, guitar, bass and finaly my main instrument keyboards. I do some vocals aswell but not in public, haha. No seriously, I have to sing for Charles when he arrives for the vocal recordings and I feel like an idiot when I do it. I really hate to hear my own voice.
Hell on Fire: Did you remember with which bands you grow up listening to? For you what is your favourite band or bands?
Dan: I started listening to Elvis Presley.....YEAH, haha!! But later I started to listen to more and more heavier stuff like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Then, like a lightning from heaven came Savatage, words can not describe that band. And Savatage has always been one of my personal top three bands ever and luckelly all the guys in Inmoria loves Savatage. I also had a period in my life when I listened to a lot of melodicbands like Danger Danger, Tyketto, Journey and stuff like that. Nowadays when we having a party we always put on some music like that and we all go berzerk.....haha!!Hell on Fire: Yes indeed really good bands you mentioned here! What do you like to do in your free times?
Dan: I like to just hang around my house doing stuff in the garden, fixing things inside the house. I built a pool last year and I am so close a nervous breakdown trying to get the water clean, haha!! Otherwise I just hangaround with friends, watching movies and just taking it as easy as I can. But when you have a house......there is always something to do.
Hell on Fire: Talking a little about Sweden, what can you say about supports in there, do you have enough one’s for a band to survive only with music?
Dan: Here in Sweden there are only a few metalbands that can have their music as a income. In Flames, Hammerfall and Sabaton are three of them, the rest of us have to work our asses off at some boring daytime job. But I have promised our guitarplayer Christer that before this year is over he can quit his job and have the music as his only income. So I guess that I have to work really really hard so I dont disapoint him, haha!! The support for Inmoria has been great here in Sweden but we have a lot more fans outside of the country. That has always been a phenomenon, that you always “break” outside of your own home country.
Hell on Fire: What do you think about the actual young musicians and the actual metal scene?
Dan: To be honest, I dont really know how the scene looks like nowadays. Of course I know about the well astablished band but the younger ones.......no. But I have heard a few new younger bands and I really really liked what I heard. But actually I dont give a shit about who is who and who plays what, I just focus on what we are doing and if people dont like that, well piss off then, haha!! No seriously, at the moment one new younger band is in my Mp3-player and that is a new swedish band called Dead By April...man, that is some good shit. They mix technosounds with really hard and heavy guitars and it is just like Linkin Park on acid, haha!!
Hell on Fire: A release party will be given by Inmoria at 4 of July at the RockClub (Tranan) Bollnãs and it will be entrance free, can you advance something for those who are interested, how it’s going to be and what people can expect from this show?
Dan: Yes, we will have a releaseparty and everybody is invited. Doors open at nine o´clock and it all ends at two at night. It is free entrance before 22.30 so bee there in time. Another band will also play and that is Doka, who plays really good punkmusic. We will play four or five songs and the reason that we not will play a full show is that we want to get drunk....haha, and that is why we have free entrance before 22.30. We can not charge people and then not play a full show. So it will be two bands playing and a lot of partying and hopefully there will be alot of people.

Dan: If you are a depressed suicidal youngster then our music is great for you, haha. No but if you like hard guitarriffs, melodic choruses and a general “kick in your face” then Inmoria´s music is great for you. Our music is very monotone but that is the way we want it to be. We don´t have to prove our skills by playing any boring solos, we just keep it pumping and pumping. I really love the song “Come Insanity” just because that was the very first song I heard in my head just before I moved back to Sweden. And it came out very very brutal I think and it has a very nice groove.
Hell on Fire: Can you talk a little bit about what Inmoria lyrics are about or the best person to answer this question is the vocalist Charles?
Dan: I write all the lyrics so I think I can aswer that, haha!! The lyrics are very dark and brooding and it reflects what goes on inside my head. I have always been a complexed person with a strong fascination about mans inner thoughts. A fascination about death and what is it that some peoples brains and thoughts are totaly fucked up which grants them access to a world behind walls and barbwire. If you read the lyrics and read “between the lines” you can see that it is a suicideletter. I am not suicidal but the person inside my head is. Or maybe I will blow my head off live on stage just to increase the record sales....haha!!!
Hell on Fire: That's a really good and original explanation for the lyrics! What is the meaning of the name Inmoria?
Dan: The name is from the movie “Lord of the Rings”. In the beginning when I sat down trying to come up with a name for the band I tried different names but it all was either taken or it looked strange when I wrote it down. Then, after I had watched “Lord of the Rings” for the millionth time it came to me. When some of the characters where about to enter the dwarfs mine called “Moria” I just shouted “yeeeeeeees there we have it”. The atmosphere in the mines are so dark and depressing and it fits perfect to our sound. Then I just added “In” and then Inmoria was born......peace of cake, haha!!
Hell on Fire: Are you guys happy with your actual label Massacre Records?
Dan: Yes, so far we have basiclly nothing to complain about. And we just wanna say thanks for believing in us and for putting our record out.
Hell on Fire: Can you advance some concert dates or even a tour or is to early to talk about that?

Hell on Fire: Do you want to leave any message for those who always support Inmoria since the begining? And what can you say for those who don’t know you yet?
Dan: To everybody that has been supporting us from the beginning we just bow our heads and scream out a big “thank you”. And we hope that you keep on supporting us threw this journey. To all our “new” fans we just wanna say that if you like dark hard melodic metalmusic with one of the greatest singers on the metalscene........then listen to Inmoria god damnit!!!!
Hell on Fire: Thank you so much Dan for your time to this interview, all the good luck for this album and for the concerts to come and hope 1 day to see you here in Portugal!
Dan: It was my pleasure, thank you!!! I can tell you this: If Portugal wants us........we will f*cking come!!! All the best and once again THANK YOU!!!!!
By: Nightshade
Congratulations for your interview my friend!
ReplyDeletekeep on fire!!!:)
Hanna Tsepesh
Thanx friend and you also continue with the good work!!!